What is Cialis Super Active?

Cialis Super Active is a powerful version of the well known erectile dysfunction drug, Cialis. It contains tadalafil, the same active ingredient found in Cialis, but in a higher concentration. Cialis Super Active is designed to provide faster and more effective results than the standard Cialis.

What are the Benefits of Cialis Super Active?

Cialis Super Active is designed to provide men suffering from erectile dysfunction with a more powerful and effective form of treatment. The active ingredient, tadalafil, works to relax the muscles in the penis and allows more blood to flow into it, resulting in improved erectile function. This form of Cialis also has a faster absorption rate, allowing men to experience its effects in as little as 15 minutes.

How to Buy Cialis Super Active Online

Cialis Super Active is available for purchase online through a variety of different online pharmacies. It is important to do your research before making a purchase, as some online pharmacies may not be reputable or may not provide the same quality of product as others. Be sure to read customer reviews and compare prices to ensure you get the best deal available.

What are the Side Effects of Cialis Super Active?

As with any medication, there are potential side effects associated with Cialis Super Active. The most commonly reported side effects include headache, flushing, indigestion, back pain, muscle aches, and nasal congestion. In rare cases, more serious side effects can occur such as a prolonged erection, vision changes, or hearing loss. If you experience any of these side effects, it is important to stop taking the medication and seek medical attention immediately.

Cialis Super Active Alternatives

If Cialis Super Active is not the right option for you, there are other alternatives available. Generic versions of Cialis Super Active, such as tadalafil, are available from some online pharmacies. Additionally, there are other medications available to treat erectile dysfunction, such as Viagra, Levitra, and Stendra. It is important to speak to your doctor before beginning any new medication, as there may be potential side effects or interactions with other medications you are taking.


Cialis Super Active is a powerful version of the well known erectile dysfunction medication, Cialis. It is designed to provide faster and more effective results than the standard Cialis, and is available for purchase online through a variety of online pharmacies. However, it is important to do your research before making a purchase and be aware of potential side effects. Additionally, there are other alternatives available, so be sure to speak to your doctor before beginning any new medication.

Cialis Super Active 40mg

PackagePer PillPriceSavingsBonusOrder
40mg × 10 caps$6.25$62.48+ Viagra
40mg × 30 caps$3.25$97.47$89.97+ Cialis
40mg × 60 caps$2.5$149.95$224.93+ Levitra
40mg × 90 caps$2.25$202.44$359.88+ Viagra
40mg × 120 caps$2.12$254.92$494.84+ Cialis
40mg × 180 caps$2$359.88$764.76+ Levitra
40mg × 270 caps$1.92$517.33$1169.63+ Viagra
40mg × 360 caps$1.87$674.78$1574.5+ Cialis

Cialis Super Active 20mg

PackagePer PillPriceSavingsBonusOrder
20mg × 10 caps$5.34$53.35+ Levitra
20mg × 30 caps$2.77$83.23$76.83+ Viagra
20mg × 60 caps$2.13$128.04$192.07+ Cialis
20mg × 90 caps$1.92$172.86$307.31+ Levitra
20mg × 120 caps$1.81$217.68$422.55+ Viagra
20mg × 180 caps$1.71$307.31$653.03+ Cialis
20mg × 270 caps$1.64$441.75$998.75+ Levitra
20mg × 360 caps$1.6$576.2$1344.47+ Viagra
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